xc-marathon was in 2019 invited by klubi tartu maraton to visit tartu and estonia and to take part in the 46th. edition of the tartu maraton for cross…

xc-marathon was in 2019 invited by klubi tartu maraton to visit tartu and estonia and to take part in the 46th. edition of the tartu maraton for cross…
worldloppet continues in new zealand 31st of august with the Merino Muster race. MARY LEE, part of the merino muster committee says they welcome all participants as family…
only on xc-marathon.com we can today reveal that the global and regional skiing community with the worldloppet in front, now announces the global ski calendar & ranking. Worldloppet´s…
Ushuaialoppet is a sub-antarctic cross country skiing race near the Andes mountains in the Valley of Tierra Mayor in Argentina. The city Ushuaia has an international airport and…
Some two weeks ago the Finnish 50 k race in northeastern Finland was announced as the fifth Visma Challengers event, and just a few days later the sixth,…
are your thoughts already in the winter season and you don´t care if the birds sing? Well, sometimes it helps to talk to someone – or just decide…
Alliansloppet is the world’s biggest rollerski event gathering around 1300 participants in 2018. It has just been announced by the Visma Ski Classics 4th Challengers event the next…
Swix has recently launched a new carbon rollerski; Triac Carbon Skate. XC-marathon borrowed a couple from Sportsbua in Trondheim and we tested the rollerskis both in a rollerski…
Visma Ski Classics launches for the next season the concept Ski Classics Challengers and will to a greater extent highlight the exisiting concept as Visma Ski Classics Pro…